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Lion's Gate Portal 88.png

​Thursday, August 8th @ 7:15pm


Every year, on August 8th, a layer of energetic opportunity called the Lion’s Gate activation portal peaks. This is an astrological event in which the Sun is in Leo and the star system Sirius moves closer to Earth and aligns with Orion’s Belt. This portal opens every year between July 28 and August 12, but August 8 is considered official activation day.

This is a time of increased cosmic energy and a stronger connection between the physical world and the higher dimensions. This allows us to boldly and optimistically open new doors of opportunity and presents the chance to experience a positive force of energy and manifest our greatest desires. Every year, the opening of this portal gives us a chance to evolve and become a more empowered, stronger, better version of ourselves.

Join Lindsay on 8/8 at 7:15pm as she discusses more about the energy behind the Lion’s Gate Portal, what it’s all about, what may be surfacing, as well as possible physical/energetic symptoms. From there, she will take you on an inner guided visualization journey to harness the energy for your highest good before bathing your energy field with sound healing vibrations to seal the session.

This offering is available in person for $25 or you can purchase just the meditation recording for $15.

Will run approximately 45 minutes in person.




Monday, August 19th @ 7:15pm

Monday, September 9th @ 7:15pm

Friday, September 20th @ 6:45pm

Monday, September 30th @7:15pm


Experience the beauty of sacred sound as a variety of sound healing instruments are played producing vibrations/sounds to help restore the body back to its own harmonic pattern. Among the benefits are relaxation, an increased sense of well-being, expanded awareness, and access to an inner visionary experience. Drop-ins welcome! Led by Lindsay Gunn.


Exchange: $20



**This offering will no longer be held in-studio and will be available via a downloadable audio recording to listen at your convenience on the new and full moon every month**


New Moon in Virgo Meditation

Recording available Monday, September 2nd




Full Moon in Aquarius Meditation

Recording available Monday, August 19th




COST: $11


To purchase, use the payment link above. Please keep in mind that the meditations will not be available until  the date listed. If purchasing on or after the date, the meditation will be sent shortly after payment is received.



Monday, September 23rd 7:15pm​


Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine and a natural therapy that taps into the energetic power of crystals and how they affect the mind and body. This is based on the belief that we are all made up of different energies and that when this becomes stagnant, unbalanced or blocked, it can cause illness. The premise is that crystals help unblock, balance and direct energy where it is most needed, gently supporting the body to heal in a therapeutic way.


Each participant will receive 7 crystals (each resonating with 1 of the 7 major chakras). As you deepen into surrender, the healing stones will be placed on/around the body to help unblock, focus and direct energy, while balancing the chakras/aura in order to facilitate healing. During this time, you are encouraged to breathe deeply and simply relax. Once the crystals are in place you will be guided through a chakra cleansing/activating meditation. A crystal grid will be placed in the front of the room to help enhance the treatment for all who are in attendance. The 7 crystals will be yours to take home with you after the session. ​Led by Lindsay Gunn.


Exchange: $33 OR $20 if you've attended and bring your crystals with you!


**MUST pre-register for this event. 3 person minimum for meditation to run.**

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